'My neighbours use their washing machine constantly
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'My neighbours use their washing machine constantly

Jun 30, 2023

A woman is at her wit's end with her upstairs neighbours as they use their noisy washing machine every single day - so she's decided to complain to their landlord

Living in a flat isn't always the most peaceful experience, especially if you have neighbours above you who like to stomp across their floors. You can even find yourself irritated by simple household chores your neighbours need to do such as vacuuming, as this can make a racket if your flats have poor sound insulation.

Thankfully, most of these chores only happen once a week and shouldn't be too bothersome - except for one woman's neighbour, who has insisted on using her washing machine every single day for the past month. The woman explained her upstairs neighbour does two loads of washing every day and also puts that washing in the tumble dryer, and the loud rumbling has been driving her up the wall.

In a post on Reddit, she said: "I live in a basement apartment of a house. There are tenants who live above us on the main floor. The one tenant is off for the summer and has been doing laundry in their apartment every single day, multiple times a day, for the entire month of July. I'm really unsure as to how someone can do so much laundry.

"The problem is, their laundry machine is directly above our office room and bedroom. When they run the laundry, it's LOUD and annoying. She's been running it every single day, at least two loads in the wash and two loads in the dryer. It's not during quiet hours, however, it's above our office and my partner works from home. It's extremely annoying."

The woman said the noise is so loud she and her partner struggle to think straight, and have considered complaining to the landlord of the building to ask if anything can be done to soften the racket. She added that she doesn't have a problem with her neighbour doing her laundry, as she understands it's something she needs to do, but doesn't understand why she uses the machines so frequently.

She wrote: "Can my landlord do anything about this? Would it be fair for me to ask him to at least look at the unit to see if he can make any changes to make it quieter for us downstairs? They used to do it once or twice a week on weekends which was obviously fine, but it's been every single day multiple times a day for an entire month now."

Commenters on the post recommended that she talk to her neighbour, or her landlord, about a shock-absorbing pad that can be placed underneath the washing machine to reduce the amount of vibration that can be felt through the floor. You can find products like these on Amazon, such as this pad for £22, or these feet pads for £9.

Others also suggested she get in touch with her landlord about the washing machine use regardless, as she confessed that her landlord pays the utility bills - so will likely be seeing a huge jump in the water and electricity bills since her neighbour began using the washing machine more frequently.

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